Prepare your Putnam County business for hurricane season
9/21/2017 (Permalink)

Over the past month, we have experienced several major hurricanes affect the Unites States. Aside from the personal losses people have suffered, businesses have lost billions in damages. The impact of this – from lost revenue, employees going without work and the cost and effort involved in recovering from flooding is staggering. Business owners can't always prepare for every unexpected natural disaster but there are some precautions that can be taken to minimize the impact.
The first step a business owner in Brewster should take is to determine whether you are in a high or medium flood area using a flood map. Keep in mind, however, that even if you are in a low flood risk area, you are not immune to storm damage. After recent hurricanes Irene and Sandy, even towns as far north as Carmel and Mahopac experienced flooding and were without power for up to a week.
It is essential for businesses to create an emergency contingency plan as well. This includes the protocol employees should follow during a storm and how to protect and shut down equipment safely. Remember to have a plan for how to secure your building as well, in case you are not able to go there for a few days due to blocked roads or power outages. An emergency preparedness kit on site is necessary in case employees cannot leave the business. It should include enough food, water, medical supplies and flashlights for several days as well as other essential items.
Prepare your Garrison business now so that you can get back in business quickly after a storm. We can help. If your business experiences water or storm damage from a hurricane, call SERVPRO of Putnam County at (845) 228-1090.