Know the Fire Hazards of Fall
9/17/2021 (Permalink)

Can you feel that crisp in the air first thing in the morning or in the late evenings? It’s about to be that time of the year where leaves start to fall from the trees, and we all enjoy sitting by campfires and discussing life.
As you dream about that scenery, let’s discuss the fire hazards that accompany this time of the year.
Campfire Safety
With cooler temps starting to sneak in, this is the perfect time to get away and go camping or hiking! When you do that, it’s almost a given that you must add a campfire to either keep you warm, cook a little something or maybe simply create the perfect ambiance.
We all can become a little impatient when we are trying to create the perfect scene, but it’s best to not ever use an accelerant like kerosene or lighter fluid. Make sure you keep your fire contained and away from anything flammable. And before you head in for the night, ensure that it is completely out.
Space Heaters
Portable space heaters are one of the biggest causes of fires in the fall and winter. They come in handy in so many ways, but if you aren’t careful, they can cause serious damage.
When using a heater, make sure you keep it away from flammable items, kids, or play areas. These space heaters can put out major heat, so it’s important to make sure you have a heater that has an automatic shutoff capability any time it tips over.
While Halloween can be quite spooky, what’s even spookier is the fact that all that cute front porch décor can be a fire hazard. While decorating your home, whether inside or out, make sure you are attentive to these items as they can easily catch fire.
If a fire hazard should turn from potential to reality in your home, remember the trusted leader in the recovery industry and contact SERVPRO to get your property fully restored right down to the smell of smoke.