Is My Basement Showing Signs of Water Damage?
5/28/2021 (Permalink)

Many Mahopac and Cold Spring area residents love their basements. They’re a very versatile addition to many homes, and they’re useful for extra storage space, an extra living room or a place where the kids can watch their shows while the adults Netflix and chill upstairs.
But by their nature, basements are prone to developing water problems—due in part to the fact that basements are dug into the ground and also to the fact that any water leak in your home is going to try to find the lowest spot to settle.
It’s not set in stone that your house will encounter a serious basement water situation, but it’s likely enough that you need to be aware of situations that may arise, and how to identify a burgeoning problem. Below, we’ll examine the most common signs of a water damage issue on the rise.
The Most Frequent Signs of Basement Water Damage
Unpleasant, musky odors. Regardless of whether water that gets in your basement is clean or dirty, it will eventually develop bacterial growth, leading to a certain musty smell that is so widespread it’s often just considered “the basement smell.” While this may sometimes be true, it shouldn’t be, at least not in a safe, clean home. This smell will only arise when mold and mildew are present in the environment, which means water has settled in to stay. You may not see mold right away, but if you smell it, it’s there.
Flaking paint on masonry or walls. Even a waterproof paint won’t prevent a steady leak or invasion of water from creating bubbles, cracks and flaking of your interior paint. And even worse, a waterproof paint may simply mask an issue until it has become something worse. If the paint if bubbling, act immediately to locate a water leak.
Foundational cracks. While it’s true that homes can shift over time, a crack in your home’s foundation should never be ignored Cracks may show up in the floor, the ceiling or in your walls, often indicating that your home’s structural integrity is being compromised by a crack in the foundation, causing interior cracks to form under the pressure. Hairline cracks are nothing to panic over, but if they grow, they should be treated immediately.
If you notice any of these signs in your basement, let us take a look. Our expert water restoration technicians can help you determine what is causing these issues and how to treat it properly. Contact us today to learn more.